Sept 1999 review from BODY STYLER MAGAZIN (German electro-industrial-culture zine;
translated from German by the reviewer, Till Schroeder):

"Disc 1.2"
The dark machinery, formerly known as Scar Tissue and now going by the moniker of Form/Alkaline, continues to roll unflustered on its path. Alone by color does the new self-burned CD match the changed, more abysmal style. A pitch black CD-R oozes with equally black soundtracks to imaginary nightmares. The first five tracks work as one continuous oppressing drone, sounding even bleaker than Lustmord after an hour long dose of In Slaughter Natives. The synthesis of slow frequency shifts and deep bass rumblings is exactly not the kind of music you would want to listen to when confined in an isolation tank. Unless you are suicidally inclined by nature. The remaining tracks bring Form/Alkaline into the arena of a kind of music which, in my opinion, they have been the leaders in for years. Dark Tribal Industrial Ambient, which eminates rhythms with such leaden heaviness, that it seems to crush one's thorax. Every time that i think to myself, "this cannot get heavier and more brilliant," the next track comes along and blows
me right up against the wall. Field recordings of the apocalypse, protuberances of a black hole, multiplier of post-atomic decay, collapsing infernos...words cannot make palpable the sheer impact of this music. A sound like this has to be absorbed.

Early Reviews in Form/Alkaline's history:

(excerpts from reviews of The Glory of Destruction compilation CD)

Unreleased Cyberbabies compilation, reviewed by Shockvictm

artist: Form/Alkaline
song: "Explant"
This is the side project of Scar Tissue, and this is an impressive first showing of what is to come. It's dark, with varying heavy beats, and machinery sounds, and even blends some horn thing i would expect to hear in India towards the end. If you put this on and go do something else, this is one of those tracks you'll lift your head up and go "which is this...oh, I have to get this one."

© 1999 Alkaline Productions